Social or Full

Membership fees are levied according to the type of membership.
There are two types of memberships. Click on the membership you are interested in to find out how you can become a member:

For swimmers who do not want to compete in provincial galas organised by the province, CGA.


For swimmers who do want to swim competitively in regional, provincial or national galas.

Sandton Seals Swimming fees

When you join you are required to pay two sets of fees for
a swimming season.

  1. SSS membership fee: Varies depending on your type of membership.

  2. Coaching fee: Please follow the instructions below regarding the coaching fee.

  • All swimming fees are paid directly into the Sandton Seals Swimming Club account.

  • Fees are determined at the AGM each year.

  • Swimming coaches fees are payable monthly.

  1. Invoices for Coaching are sent out in advance monthly and are payable by the 7th of month.

  2. Coaching fees are paid for monthly - we do NOT charge per lesson.

  3. There is a annual fee payable for Sandton Seals Swimming squad training.

  4. All documentation will be handed to you at the pool.

    How are my membership fees used?

    There are many expenses in running a swimming club:

    • Pool facility rental.

    • Maintenance and replacement of large equipment like pool blankets and gazebos.

    • Purchase of smaller equipment like stopwatches, storage bins etc.

    • Cash incentives for the swimmers and trophies etc.

    • Investment in stock of club clothing/kit for resale.

    How to become a club member

    For swimmers who do not want to compete in provincial galas organised by the province, CGA.

    • With social membership, you need only register with the Club.

    • Social swimmers are training for school galas, water polo fitness, general fitness, physiotherapy, masters swimmers etc. OR they may be too young/not ready to compete (discuss with the coach).

    • You can change from social to full membership after talking to the coach first.

    • Social members are urged to compete in our Club Night Galas, and are eligible for Club Night Awards.

    How to become a Social Member

    1. Complete all relevant social membership forms

    2. Pay your membership fees and attach proof of payment.

    3. Hand hard copies to coaches at the pool.


    For swimmers who do want to swim competitively in regional, provincial or national galas.

    • With full membership, you need to be registered with ALL of the following bodies:

    1. The Club (Sandton Seals Swimming)

    2. Central Gauteng Aquatics (CGA)

    3. Swimming South Africa (SSA)

    • You cannot enter official CGA/SSA galas unless you are registered at least 2 weeks before the gala date /close of entries.

    • Registration takes place at the start of the season at our AGM (in April) or anytime during the season.

    • Full members are urged to compete in our Club Night Galas and are eligible for Club Night Awards.

    How to become a Full Member

    1. Complete all relevant social membership forms

      SSA Registration Form SSS Code of Conduct SSS Medical Indemnity Form
      SSS Disclaimer Form CGA Officials Form
    2. Attach ID copies of swimmer and parent.

    3. Attach ID copies of swimmer and parent.

    4. Pay your membership fees and attach proof of payment.

      Full membership Account
    5. Hand hard copies to coaches at the pool.

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